Hi, there!
Anybody have hemorrhoids/anal issues which make you annoyed or cause bleeding/pain?
We’re here for you, especially if you prefer a female doctor😊 (for religious reasons and more)
There are tons of female patients out there who have same issues, so you totally don’t have to be embarrassed to see a doctor☺️
We offer various kinds of treatment depending on your severeness of hemorrhoids/current circumstances of your life🍀
Last but not least, If you experience rectal bleeding, I highly recommend you to get a colonoscopy because it can be a symptom of colon cancer.
I just hope there’s some way I can be of your help☺️
◼️Female coloproctologist
in Saitama, Japan
・Board Certified Coloproctologist
・Board Certified Surgeon
Source: 埼玉の大腸肛門科(肛門・痔・大腸内視鏡)ママ女医のブログ